Bodywork, Coaching & Classes Overview
Body Mind Spirit Exercise – “intenSati”

New fun and inspiring exercise called “inten~Sati” will support your body mind and spirit fitness. You will clarify and enliven your heartfelt intentions as you speak affirmations during exercise. Move your body with elements from dance, martial arts and yoga. You will leave feeling more joy and empowered in your body and life. Click for more information
Life Coaching & Spiritual Counseling
Wendy Kunkel loves supporting people in experiencing optimal health, relationships, creativity and happiness. She has over 20 years of training in Spiritual Psychology, Spiritual Counseling and bodywork, and her specialties include holistic health, dating & relationships, career, creative expression, joy, and life in general.
Wendy specializes coaching people in dating and preparing for conscious partnership, holistic health, and joyful creative expression of who you really are and the unique gifts you have to offer. Read More
Aura Balancing & Healing Sessions – by Wendy Kunkel
Energy Medicine (Donna Eden method)
Energy Medicine is therapeutic bodywork that can:
- lessen aches, pains, illness, and disease
- Create deeper happiness, satisfaction, and contentment
- Increase focus, clarity, and productivity
- Renew balance, harmony, and well-being
- Improve overall health and longevity
“Your body is designed to heal itself. The ability of a body to maintain its health and overcome illness is, in fact, among nature’s most remarkable feats.” Donna Eden
After figuring out how to direct her own energies to heal herself of multiple sclerosis in her early thirties, Donna has dedicated her life to empowering people to tune into their own subtle, healing energies using Energy Medicine.
We ALL have the ability to use our life force energy to create a fundamental mind-body shifts that can transform our lives.
Eden Energy Medicine Will Empower You! Read More
Noetic Aura-Balancing
Wendy Kunkel also offers and recommends to all her clients Noetic Aura-Balancing. Noetic balancing can support your health & wellbeing by removing imbalances in your human energy field and aura. Physical toxins, traumas, and drugs get stored in the aura as well as internal challenges such as limiting beliefs, judgements, emotions, and perceptions which create blocks in our auras and lives. Removing the blocks allows for healing and restores the natural energy flow resulting in feelings of peace and harmony. The intention of a balancing is to bring all levels into alignment with the Truth of who you are and clear emotional/mental/karmic patterns that distort your knowing, experiencing and expressing that Truth and the gift that you are more fully in all areas of your life. Read more
Other Healing Modalities
Polarity Therapy: balancing and rejuvenating the body and it’s energy system. A holistic approach including body, mind, emotions and Spirit. It incorporates nutrition, meridians, chakras and elements. Read more.
Sensory Repatterning: Nurturing body rocking and motion to assist muscles in letting go from the inside out. (Similar to Trager method.)
About Wendy Kunkel
Wendy Kunkel has a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing. She also practices Spiritual Counseling as an Ordained Minister with a Doctorate in Spiritual Science. She is a licensed massage therapist/bodyworker and was certified by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition as a Holistic Health Practitioner and Coach. She is committed to Body-Mind-Spirit-Love in her own body & life, and helping others find & create their own best life. More on Wendy
“To receive, you must be active. Keep in mind your purpose. You will receive in direct proportion to your clarity of vision, your definiteness of purpose, the steadiness of your faith, and the depth of your gratitude.” ~ John-Roger