About Wendy…
Wendy Kunkel is a Health, Creativity, and Dating/Relationship Coach, Spiritual Counselor and Facilitator. She is also a Holistic Health Practitioner and Licensed Massage Therapist with advanced training in nutrition, Polarity Therapy, Eden Energy Medicine, Noetic Aura Balancing & Integrative Cranial-Sacral Bodywork.
In her own words:
“I’m deeply committed to a life path of spirituality, personal growth, love, joy, health and healing, Body Mind & Spirit living and loving in my own body & life, and love helping others create their own best life. I have over 20 years of training in Spiritual Psychology, Spiritual Counseling and bodywork, and my specialties include holistic health, dating & relationships, career, creativity, and life in general.”
Please contact Wendy for more information and to schedule an appointment. She works in Santa Barbara or Worldwide via Zoom.
Wendy’s background and certifications include the following:
- Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner Training, 2020. Donna Eden Energy Medicine
- Masters in Transcendental Leadership, 2022. Peace Theological Seminary
- Certified in Noetic Aura Balancing, 2016. Noetic Balancing Association
- Certified Holistic Health Coach & Drugless Practitioner, 2013,
Institute of Integrative Nutrition
- Associate Polarity Practitioner & Integrative Cranial-Sacral Bodywork Practitioner, 2010, Life-Energy Institute
- Doctorate of Spiritual Science, 2010 Peace Theological Seminary
- Licensed Massage Therapist, 2008,
California College of Massage and Bodywork (IPSB)
- Master of Arts in Spiritual Psychology, Emphasis in Consciousness Health & Healing, 2004, University of Santa Monica
- Ordained Minister, 2002, The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness
- Certified Technical Trainer, 1999, Chauncey Group International
- Certificate in Training & Human Resource Development, 1998, UC Santa Cruz
- Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering, 1992, Cal State Polytechnic SLO