Embrace Yourself & Your Life with LOVE ~ Body Mind & Spirit!

Heart & Soul Singing
Wendy LOVES community singing in Santa Barbara and zoom. Sing from your heart and soul, sharing & learning songs through vocal tradition. Songs are fun, inspiring & healing. Results include connection, peace, harmony joy, aliveness & vitality. “Expression – not perfection” All welcome!

Coaching & Spiritual Counseling
Wendy is also a Holistic Health & Life Coach and Spiritual Counselor. Her skills include connection to our essence & divinity, holistic health & nutrition, healing from stress & trauma, loving relationships & dating, creativity & JOY, and life in general.

Bodywork & Energy Medicine
Wendy loves supporting people with healing therapeutic bodywork and energy medicine practices. Her bodywork and energy techniques include Donna Eden Energy Medicine, Noetic Aura Balancing, Cranio-Sacral unwinding, Polarity Therapy, Prayer Communion, and more.

“intenSati” Body Mind Spirit Exercise
Wendy teaches inspiring exercise called “inten~Sati” to support our body mind & Spirit fitness. We enliven heartfelt intentions using affirmations during exercise. Move your body with elements from dance and yoga. Helps you feel more joy and empowered in your body and life!
About Wendy:
Wendy is a Body Mind Spirit Teacher, Student, Coach, Energy Medicine Practitioner and Spiritual Counselor. She is deeply committed to embodying and supporting others in living healthy, happy and connected to the true Spirit of who we are.
Wendy also loves sharing and encouraging creative Heart & Soul expression, singing and dancing to nurture our hearts and Souls, and assisting herself and others in living our most authentic, loving joyful, and healthy lives as we walk this path together.
Wendy lives in Santa Barbara, California and joyfully, heart-fully and compassionately teaches & supports people in person or Worldwide via Zoom. ♥
Recent Blog Posts:
- Conscious Women’s Group “Calling in the One” Starts Friday Sept 8th in Santa Barbara & on ZOOM
- Poem: “Awaken to the Wonder of Your Life”
- Support for Stress & Your Immune System