BODY MIND SPIRIT Exercise “inten~Sati”

Exercise with intention, affirmations, healing, growth & Spirit!  IntenSati Exercise is a fun and inspiring class that will support your body mind and spirit fitness. You will clarify and enliven your heartfelt intentions as you speak affirmations during exercise. Move your body with elements from dance, martial arts and yoga.  You will leave feeling more joy and empowered in your body and life.

Let’s take all that’s going on in our world inside & outside of us, remind ourselves that we can be both  strong and loving, and have choice in all that we do. Join us to activate your heart, mind, body & Spirit – enlivening what you want more of in your life, and letting go of what you don’t…


All levels welcome.  Try something new – you and your dreams are worth it!!
New inspiring affirmations & theme each month!
FIRST CLASS IS FREE – Invite a friend for extra fun!  

intenSati Options:

Or email for link to attend free: 

I loved this class as it empowered my mind body and spirit..  I’m hooked!!!” 
“Wendy makes a real workout seem fun and effortless. You hardly believe you’ve finished when it’s over. You just want to keep dancing and keep up the energy. “
“I always leave feeling uplifted, clear minded, empowered and inspired.  I highly recommend this class!!” 


Prime your body, mind and heart in this mood-lifting class that infuses powerful, positive spoken affirmations to take your transformation from purely physical to totally holistic. Move your body, free your mind, amplify your greatness. Imagine a workout that isn’t a mindless chore but a life-affirming, body-transforming joy. Feeling great about yourself and living a life you love every day.

Intent (one’s plan or purpose) + Sati (the Sanskrit word for mindfulness) = IntenSati

The philosophy behind IntenSati goes light-years beyond the traditional grinding workouts that get us nowhere fast and usually leave us discouraged and unmotivated. When your mind creates positive emotion during a physical workout, you actually change your body’s chemistry, enabling you to gain clarity and purpose.

For a video on the intenSati Exercise founder, view:
For more info: Contact Wendy, 818-964-1112

Meetup events:

intenSati Exercise

Bring a friend for extra fun!
All ages & fitness levels welcome.
intenSati Exercise is for everyone!

Wendy Kunkel enjoys supporting people in experiencing more joy and wellness in all areas of life. Wendy is a licensed Massage Therapist, Energy Medicine Practitioner, Holistic Life Coach and Spiritual Counselor.