Body Mind Spirit Love Workshops & Classes
Wendy Kunkel enjoys supporting people and offering workshops and classes to promote and support body, mind, and spirit!
Classes: BODY MIND SPIRIT EXERCISE ~ “intenSati”
New fun and inspiring exercise called “inten~Sati” will support your body mind and spirit fitness. You will clarify and enliven your heartfelt intentions as you speak affirmations during exercise. Move your body with elements from dance, martial arts and yoga. You will leave feeling more joy and empowered in your body and life. All levels welcome!
Taught by Wendy Kunkel, a licensed holistic health and life coach, fitness trainer, and bodyworker. She enjoys supporting people in experiencing optimal wellness in all areas – body, mind & spirit.
Holistic Workshops: “Health from the Inside-Out” for Body, Mind, & Spirit Support
Holistic Workshops Available on request:

Energy Medicine Exercises for Joy & Health
Learn an uplifting 10 minute daily routine of energy medicine exercises that can be done sitting or standing. These gentle exercises can help you increase joy and energy, be more present and alert, boost your immune system, and help your body and Spirit experience radiant health and vitality. Based on exercises from energy medicine pioneer Donna Eden and Polarity Therapy – using ancient principles to clear and balance our body’s energy system, meridians and chakras.
More Health/Less Stress with EFT Tapping
In this uplifting and interactive workshop, you’ll learn how to support optimal health with Mind Body and Spirit wellness. Reduce illness and dis-ease and increase your ability to experience optimal wellness including health, happiness, loving and vitality. Learn valuable tools including EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) to shift from fear, stress and struggle to acceptance, loving and healing. Start nurturing and loving yourself to great health from the inside-out!

Eating for Radiant Health & Vitality
Shift your food beliefs from diets and ‘shoulds’ to nurturing and loving your body healthy. And we’ll consider not only what’s on your plate, but also areas of your life that either nourish you or deplete you. Create a new perspective on how what we eat affects our health and vitality, and identify simple choices you can make to best nourish your body and health.
Creating Your Vision of Optimal Wellness
In honor of the New Year – join us for the 4th inspiring “Health from the Inside-Out ” class. Create and energize your own unique vision of optimal wellness. We often spend more time focusing on what we’re afraid of than what we really want. Make your optimal wellness a priority in the New Year – more health, joy, love, fulfillment – whatever will inspire you. We’ll also address how to clear blocks that can be in the way of experiencing your vision.